Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Movies' Great Lines

We made this video. Movies have many cool and emotional words. I'll show you five great lines. You'll want to use these words someday.


Robert said...

Nice! The sound is a bit rough, but it is all easy enough to hear. Well done.

misa said...

I was so impressed by this video.
I wonder I can use these cool words some day!!

yuu121 said...

It was very nice movie.I will be back is an eternal line.

Someday, I want to tell someone,
I will be back

Anonymous said...

This video is very fun!!! You are great!!! I like "May the force be with you."

ryota said...

I love movie very much. And great lines always make us feel something! I like your video! Good job!!!!!!!!!

katu said...

This video is very good.
I like it.
I want to see other movie line so please make.

mai said...

My favorite movie great line in your video is "I'll be back." It's a nice video!