Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Shawshank Redemption

Today, I recomend a movie, The Shawshank Redemption.This movie was playing in 1994. And This is said one of the best movie in 20 century. I have seen the movie for3times. I was moved to tears each time.

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman played each character greatly. Tim Robbins act hero named Andy. Andy is arrested under a false accusation for double murder. He meet Red acted by Morgan freeman in Shawshank prison. Keeper and chief of the prison commit a flagrant injustice. But Andy try against injustice. Red is impressed Andy's strength. And last Scene is very emotional.
The hero leaves the great expression in letter,
"Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well. Your friend."
The hero never throw away his hope, and give up. He encourage us to continue challenge.


yuu121 said...

I saw this movie, and this movie made me cry

miyabean said...

I love this movie!!